Follow-up to Mysterious White Lights Observed May 26, 2012
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The other day, a friend's facebook post alerted me to a phenomena called "Blue Sky Sprites". These bright, moving dots are white blood cells going through the capillaries in front of the retina through which we see. This blue field entoptic phenomena was first documented by German opthalmologist Richard Scheerer in 1924. They're nick-named "blue sky sprites" because they are most easily seen against a bright blue background. They provide a reasonable explanation for what I saw on the evening of May 26.
See? I told you I wasn't making this up. As I come across explanations to explain phenomena, I'll continue to share as the spirit moves me, though I hope this doesn't quell the marvel due our Universe. Chapter 8 of Dr. Machio Kaku's Parallel Worlds does an excellent job of explaining the various views of the miraculous coincidences by which we are all here, though I feel many of the perspectives included are short-sighted in that they are all from our limited vantage point. We can't conceive of a Universe based on something else besides the ingredients with which we are familiar. It seems natural to me that we would evolve in such a way as to be exclusively aware of what we evolved from. Why would we need information about anything else? If we evolved from something else, that would be the box we were locked in.
Slowly, we are starting to come out of the box. We are starting to open our minds to the idea that there may be other parrallel universes, inaccessible to us in our current state. Even in our own Universe, we're starting to realize that life can exist in places we never thought possible. Water bears can live in outter space. Bacteria can thrive on arsenic, or can it? Despite the fact that we are at least somewhat aware of our limited perspective, we must continue to approach new findings with caution and skeptism. We must continue to keep a cool head in the face of what looks to be a new truth and to realize that the truth is constantly evolving under our feet as we continue to expand with the Universe, and our little speck moves further out from the core.
Personally, I think the Universe is in the shape of a big, rolling donut, the skin of which rotates from the black hole center out one end, blasts out to the edges, to the point where everything is moving at the speed of light, giving off the glow of a star — pure energy. Then, those massless particles roll up over the edge to be sucked back in again. This would work out with Douglas Adam's reputed Restaurant at the End of the Universe as well as Talking Head's Heaven. Let's keep it light. Shall we? And I'll see you on the flip side.